
Welcome to Treehouse Radio!

Step into The Treehouse, your haven from the stresses of the world, where you can unwind, relax, and revel in the magic of music.
Our incredible team of presenters is dedicated to bringing you a diverse range of captivating live and prerecorded shows. And don’t forget our Giant Jukebox – ensures there’s always something fantastic to listen to whenever you drop by.

Check our Schedule for exact timings of live shows or find your favorite jukebox selections.

If you happen to miss a show, don’t worry! You can catch up by visiting the Treehouse Radio Mixcloud channel—the recording will likely be waiting for you there.

Ways To Listen

Our New Music Only Stream

Exciting news! We’ve recently launched a music-only stream through the Alexa skill, perfect for times when you just want a delightful background soundtrack while getting on with other things. It runs 24/7, playing a mix of well-known classics from the past 50 years, along with current and future hits. Give it a try—it’s much quicker than searching for a playlist on your streaming service.

Keep In Touch or Make New Friends

Connecting and interacting with our team and fellow listeners is a breeze through WhatsApp and Telegram. We’ve created dedicated Treehouse Radio Chat rooms for you to relax and mingle.

In Telegram, simply search for “Treehouse Radio.” It’s a public group, so you can join without any hassle. If you encounter any issues, feel free to contact one of our presenters—they’ll be more than happy to send you an invite.

For WhatsApp, just ask any presenter, and they’ll provide you with an invite link.


We want to ensure you’re aware that some of our content is not suitable for children. We don’t censor or edit songs with explicit language, but we do make a dedicated effort to filter out lyrical content that promotes violence or any other form of unacceptable behavior, including racism.

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